Welcome to Offbeat Oregon History, a public-history resource for the state we love. Here's what you'll find here:
Enjoy! And if you have any comments on stories, suggestions for column topics or other feedback — or if you're coming by the OSU campus and have time for a cup of coffee with a fellow history dork — drop me a note at fj-@-offbeatoregon-dot-com any time!
Offbeat Oregon is a division of Pulp-Lit Productions, a boutique publishing house that specializes in classics from the pulp-magazine era — roughly 1910 to 1941. For more information or to check out our catalog, please see pulp-lit.com.
Background photo of Willamette Falls in Oregon City as seen from a flying drone was made by MrGadget51 in early summer 2017. (Via WikiMedia Commons, cc/by/SA)
... the official Offbeat Oregon History hub page!This page is the central hub of Offbeat Oregon History — the monthly syndicated newspaper column, the daily podcast, and all the other cool things. From this page, you can reach everything we do with one or two clicks! If you're a longtime visitor to this Website, you've probably noticed some changes. I hope you like this new approach better. It's centered around a huge text-only spreadsheet (click the “Directory of Articles” button at the top right-hand side of this page, or click here). This table lists all 615 articles by title, publication date, topic date, and county; when it is finished, will be fully searchable by keyword, too. Currently I am still in the process of going through the directory and adding the hashtags. By now all the articles have at least a few hashtags; but there are still hundreds more that need a more complete set, or that need their tags tweaked to be more useful. If you can't find an article with a hashtag search, try a Google search; these are surprisingly effective at finding individual Offbeat Oregon articles! I will be updating this introductory splash-page from time to time with new images from columns I especially like. If you click these photos, they'll take you straight to the stories they were drawn from.
OFFBEAT OREGON STARTED out in 2008 as a syndication service providing “local-enough” copy for non-AP-member community newspapers around the state of Oregon, that they could use in a pinch if a regular story fell through. We still provide that service, which is why each month's new column is embargoed for 60 days; that's the time during which member newspapers have exclusive rights. But Offbeat Oregon has expanded from those business-to-business roots to include a daily (5-day-a-week) podcast feed, social media presence, and, of course, this Website. Thanks again for stopping by! And if you have any ideas for great Oregon stories we can tuck into, I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line at finn at offbeatoregon dot com, or ping me @OffbeatOregon on Twitter. Now, go fill up the rest of your day with good stuff! — Finn
©2008-2023 by Finn J.D. John. Copyright assertion does not apply to assets that are in the public domain or are used by permission.